Frequently Asked Questions

Keep checking back here for the latest news and updates! These FAQs will be updated frequently with more news and guidance! Thank you for your patience and understanding!

- Your KingCon Team

What do I need to bring for registration?

Everyone will be required to show a government or university issued phtoto ID at the registration table in order to pick up your tickets and swag bag

Ticket Purchases

  • Tickets will not be sold online after Friday 10/19/2024
  • Tickets will be available for purchase at the convention.


All sales are final.

Thanks for understanding

I purchased tickets, now what?

That’s It! Start making plans and reservations!

If you chose not to pay for shipping - you will pick up your physical ticket during registration at the convention!

NOTE: Your PayPal receipt is your proof of purchase and confirmation that we received your payment!


As you have seen on the main page, we have SPONSORS!!!

Here are our sponsor tiers:

What does my ticket cover?

Right now, everything related to the convention. Additional activities (such as Escape IT, shows, and gambling funds) are not included.

Will Stephen King be there?????

We have asked and we know he is aware of KingCon 2024. We do NOT, however, expect him to attend "in person." I know we would all love for him to be there - maybe next time? What about Joe, Owen, or Tabitha? Same answer: we have asked.

Will there be cosplay?

Yes, with prizes! Stay tuned for more on this!

NOTE: No cosplay props (canes, axes, weapons, etc.) will be permitted at the con for everyone's safety.

Masks of any form are not permitted on the casino floor.

Does the hotel offer a group rate?

Unfortunately, since this is our first con, we were unable to secure a group rate. We hope that will change next time given our success.

Will there be swag or goodies for attendees?

YES!! We will have swag bags for ALL ticket holders. If you attend in person, you will receive your bag at the time of registration. If you cannot attend, you can pay to have your swag bag mailed to you.

NOTE: Swag bags will be mailed after the Con concludes. We do not have an estimate on when that will be yet.

We will provide more information on shipping costs and address collection after the Con - thanks!

When will you announce VIPs and schedule?

VIPs & Schedule

Can I bring books or prints to have signed by artists and/or authors in attendance?

Yes, please do! We are still working to secure some very special guests and, while we cannot guarantee autographs will be provided, it’s better to have one in your room just in case!

Will there be any events like Comic-Con Hall H that we have to wait in line to see? Will we have access to it all?

Access to all, YES. We are inclusive in the respect that EVERY attendee will have the opportunity to see all speakers, guests, and anyone that has come to be a part of this event. We are designing the meeting space to accommodate anyone who wants to be at the con.

Will there be surprises?


Do I need to bring cash to the convention?

KingCon will be 100% cashless (credit & debit card only) for all of our planned transactions.
This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Merchandise
  • "Cash" Bar (called this only because its NOT free!)
  • Vendors (some may accept cash & credit)

There are many ways to spend cash in Las Vegas!

What time should we try to arrive on Thursday, October 24?

Registration will begin Thursday evening and continue both Friday and Saturday. We will update the schedule just as soon as it’s finalized.

Will there be another KingCon if I am unable to attend in 2024?

It is our hope that KingCon will become a biennial event to celebrate the great Stephen King!

Vendor Tables/Booths

Please check out our Vendors page for more information!

NOTE: Please respect the effort and cost our vendors have incurred in preparation for attending KingCon. Private sales and trades of memorabilia, books, etc. (excluding swag bag items) are strictly forbidden in any room of the conversation.

Terms & Conditions

Please review our Terms & Conditions and Anti-harassment Policy

Age Restrictions

We require that all ticket holders be a minimum of 18 years old. If you have already purchased a ticket for a minor - please contact us.

We appologise if this is an inconvenience for anyone.

How do I become a Billy Bumbler?

Note: As of 10/9 sponsors will only appear on the sponsor page. The program and banners have all gone to printing. THANK YOU so much for wanting to become a Billy Bumbler!!!

Please send $103.09 (which will cover fees) via PayPal to:

Once we receive payment we will add your name to our list of sponsors (and our webpage!)

King Con Attire

Hello KingCon attendees! We are days away from the epic inaugural event that has been over a year in the making! We could not be more excited to share with you the fruits of all this work! As you know, the U.S. is deep in a very passionate political season with many holding strong opinions in all areas of the topic. To ensure that KingCon remains focused on the passions we all have in common and that bring us all together this weekend, please respect that KingCon is an apolitical space. Please refrain from wearing any attire promoting messages for or against any political candidate or party. KingCon should be a much needed, all-too-brief respite from politics.

If you have questions or would like to discuss, please reach out to any KingCon committee member.

Thank you all for helping make KingCon a celebration of shared passions. We can’t wait to meet you!

- The KingCon Team