Thank You Sponsors!
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor of KingCon 2024.
Note: As of 10/9 sponsors will only appear on this web page.
The program and banners have all gone to printing.
House of Eld
Crimson Court
Taylor Armstrong
Billy Bumbler
Tony Alonzo
Callum Armstrong
In Loving Memory of Bill Bender
Bianca BulleƩ
Dan Carey
Tonie Chio & David Brown Wish We Were There
Heidi M. Drew
Stephanie Donnan
Robert Duling
Thomas Finnegan
Susie Gainous
Sal "Diego" Gandolfo
William Hammond
Chel Hines
Michael Hughes
Tina Lupien
Stephen Mandel
Cheri Moore
Jody Neal
Diana Petroff
Jeanne Rath
Jessica Reeves
Trudi Reynolds
Pane Shantone
Nikolay Shishkin
Joan Steele
Nicholas Tamarkin
The Turpin Boys - Taylor & Ray
Alan and Kelley Wildeman
Holly Williams
In Memory of Jerome Smith
Tiffany Sprinkle
In Memory of Scott Wample